6 Commandments of Effective Email Marketing
During the past few years, Email Marketing has definitely become the “in-thing”. Apart from reaching out to a worldwide audience all at once, another unique advantage of Email Marketing is its capability of marketing any product and service online or offline.
Email marketing campaigns that use permission-based email IDs, are usually able to convert prospects into buyers. It also strengthens your relationship with your customers. If your email content is good enough to convince your target audience, your product or service is bound to be a big hit.
Owing a verified email list is always better than owing an unverified one. People these days have become choosier than before. They want quality stuff and don’t like wasting their time on things that don’t interest them.
Your email should have a certain level of interesting readability that will enhance your reader’s interest and will help them proceed further. To sell your product or services successfully online, you need to catch your target audiences’ attention with attractive subject lines and good content.
In fact, choosy consumers are making email marketing more technologically advanced. People are coming up with new techniques to improve this marketing medium. However, to conduct an Email Marketing campaign effectively, you need to be aware of a few basic rules. Given below are SIX essential rules that are bound to make your campaigns fruitful.
Possess a flawless list
You need to be equipped with a fully prepared list of email addresses of your prospectives and target audiences. This list needs to be updated every now and then as this list will be the key to your success. You should see to it that the addresses are recent and the people are somehow interested in anything similar to your products or services you are offering and of course they have agreed to receive your mails.
Subject Lines that's going to work
Once your Email lists are ready, you need to prepare an eye-catching subject line that will compel your target audience to open the email to read further. Separate subject lines should be set aside for first batch of emails and follow up emails. You can even come up with a set of three to four email subject lines and run a test. The group of emails that receive the maximum number of clicks will be considered as the winner.
No room for typos
Your email should be free of typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Make an impression with a neat and flawless mail.
Call-to-action placement
Apart from clearly telling your email recipients what you want them to do with your email, place the call-to-action where it will be noticed. Don't make your target audience search the entire email for the call-to-action.
Options for Opt-in subscriptions
No one likes to be bullied. Your target audience should be given a free reign to choose whether they want to subscribe at all or not. This option will help you to reach out to those people who are truly interested in your products or services.
Never run campaigns during the holidays
During the holidays people hardly check their emails. Don't waste your email marketing campaigns by sending your emails during holidays like Christmas or New Year. Most probably your email will remain hidden under a pile of other unread emails. Chances are all but the most important messages will be deleted in a rush without a even second look.
Successful email marketing is more about availing the best possible response from your target prospects. You can have a winning email marketing campaign only when you can turn these prospects into customers.